Purposefully Active: An Experience of Longevity and Wellness

Purposefully Active: An Experience of Longevity and Wellness

June 3, 2024

What if your lifespan and healthspan didn’t have to be so distant from each other? Matt Kwapis, PMP, Senior Vice President of Development at Avenue and Viva Bene, believes they don’t. Learn how the purposefully active approach gives the next generation of retirees a new way to enjoy their retirement years.

Purposefully Active Explained

Being purposefully active means a resident is making the decision to make some changes in life as we age, to maintain longevity at home, in socialization and all facets of life. This could be for the resident who wishes to maintain working. For those who desire to travel, there is an opportunity now. The reality is, as one ages, they become less active, socially, at work, and with friends. With Viva Bene communities, we're looking to shift that paradigm and share that just because you're getting older doesn't mean that you have to be less active.

Portrait of cheerful multiracial senior friends

In fact, residents can be more active, and they can do that purposefully. Taking the proper steps to think about long term health. Being purposeful about health and how to maintain wellness into the future is a part of being purposefully active, plus maintaining socialization. Being purposefully active means making some changes in life. Whether that means making a move from my home into a community where that is a part of the plan or just focusing on my health more so that I can stay healthy longer.

“I think we all need to acknowledge the fact that we have a lifespan and we have a healthspan. And the reality is your health span will run out probably before your lifespan does.” – Matt Kwapis

Operational Approach + WellVB

When a resident moves into an active adult community or any community, they become a part of something new, there's the opportunity to meet new people, be social, create a new community where there once wasn't one before, and Viva Bene is taking it beyond that. The approach is how can residents be healthy longer, maintain wellness and really add longevity to their aging process? In collaboration with Sevi Health, WellVB is addressing that next component. As residents approach the age of 65 and older, it’s likely they are managing at least 2 or 3 chronic health conditions. It could be minor, or major, but that just becomes a part of their life.

WellVB helps residents maintain healthy living through care coordination, primary care oversight to help quarterback different medical conditions that residents may be juggling. The community teams want to be a part of that journey and be a coach and be an ally, and ensure oversight so residents can be active and independent longer.

With Viva Bene, it’s a purposeful decision. We are helping make health a priority and doing so in a way that doesn't feel like an extra step. It becomes a part of residents’ lives. As they age, we believe this will add up a lot more to their health and happiness as they move forward.

Maintain Independence 

Traditional senior housing has its place and purpose. It is a part of the continuum for seniors who need that. Viva Bene aims to get on the front end of this by providing Active Adult housing. It’s our goal to attract residents who view any community and choose a lifestyle of socialization, and with the added WellVB approach, residents will gain the knowledge and opportunity to be independent longer and be able to do that for longer into the future.

Lifestyle changes that benefit residents may include participation in fitness facilities and group exercise classes, experiencing cooking in a new way, and more. All of those things will come together and create a wellness platform that we're looking to achieve in helping seniors live well, longer.

Lifestyle Pillars

There is great excitement for a lifestyle at Viva Bene active adult rental communities. Together, we are creating the opportunity for younger seniors to change their path forward. Look at it and approach it in a new way, choosing to be purposefully active.

To learn more about the purposefully active approach, contact us today!

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