Working Active Adults: Don't Retire...Restart!

Working Active Adults: Don't Retire...Restart!

October 30, 2023

Active adult living is a concept that is relatively young but holds immense promise for the future of senior care. Active adult communities have been steadily gaining popularity, offering a fresh approach to senior living that promotes independence, social engagement, and overall well-being. With the challenges of managing healthcare costs and providing affordable housing options for seniors, active adult living emerges as a beacon of hope. By integrating healthcare and wellness services into these communities, the vision for a future where seniors can lead active and vibrant lives for much longer is what drives the team at Viva Bene.


Active Adult as a Care Type

Active adults as a care type may not have a long history with currently about a hundred active adult properties across the nation. When considering the larger picture of senior living, it represents only a small portion. However, as Viva Bene confronts the challenge of managing healthcare costs and offering affordable housing options for seniors post single-family homes, active adult living seems to hold great potential for the future. By incorporating a healthcare and WellVB components into communities, envision seniors leading active lives for much longer.

What is Viva Bene? 

Viva Bene is a new concept in the continuum of active adults. When we consider the full range of seniors housing options, there are diverse care types and models available. Active adult living serves as the initial level, where individuals live independently in their own apartments without the need for care. It fosters social relationships and an active lifestyle. However, we aspire to take it a step further by incorporating a wellness component. 

“At Viva Bene, you can continue to enjoy an active life with like-minded peers while also benefiting from wellness and healthcare services.” - Meg

To enhance the experience, we have introduced a clinic within our communities, offering residents the option to access primary care and urgent care services, as well as care coordination management if they wish. It's essential to recognize that adults over 65 often manage an average of three chronic conditions, and our dedicated healthcare team can significantly ease that burden for them. The management of specialists, medications, and appointments can be challenging so by providing healthcare and preventative care in the comfort of a living community, individuals can utilize care services in the comfort of home. 

At Viva Bene, we see an opportunity to enable people to lead healthier and longer lives as they age. The concept of "aging in place" is often discussed but not fully realized. Simply hoping to remain independent without actively managing healthcare can be uncertain and risky. Viva Bene takes a more proactive approach to the wellness component, empowering individuals to live independently for an extended period while ensuring their healthcare needs are diligently addressed.

The Attraction to Active Adult

We've observed a diverse range of interested parties considering Viva Bene as their future residence. As expected, many are transitioning from single-family housing, seeking to downsize and escape the burdens of home maintenance like gardening and snow shoveling. However, we have also seen a significant number coming from multi-family housing, indicating that the appeal of a communal environment with like-minded neighbors outweighs the amenities of a single-family home.

One of the major attractions for these individuals is the prospect of living in a multi-family setting free from the disruptions of teenagers, crying babies, or children in the pool. They envision a peaceful and harmonious environment that aligns perfectly with their desired lifestyle. Additionally, we've noticed a notable trend among the inquiries—several people who are still actively working. Some continue in their primary careers, while others have retired from their main career but have chosen to engage in a secondary career or part-time work. This group of prospective residents not only enjoys active income but also takes pride in maintaining their role as workers.


Don’t Retire, Restart

“When I consider my parents, who are both 73 years old, I am amazed by their active and engaged lifestyle. Although they still reside in the single-family home I grew up in, they lead more vibrant lives now than ever before. Their numerous activities play a crucial role in maintaining their health and overall well-being. From volunteering to spending time with their grandkids and children, and socializing with friends over dinners or card games, there is a significant social component in their post-retirement life.

My dad, who retired 18 years ago, has experienced a complete renaissance in his life. He ventured into a new and different field of work, reinventing himself in the process. On the other hand, my mom found her renewal in life through increased volunteerism. I believe my parents exemplify a relatively typical profile of what Viva Bene seeks to cater to. The community encompasses all facets of life for active adults—social, intellectual, emotional, as well as physical and healthcare-driven aspects,” said Meg.

Viva Bene aims to support individuals like my parents, encouraging them to embrace their active working lifestyles or explore new passions. We want to be a source of rejuvenation and empowerment, providing the support needed for them to restart, reinvent, and find fulfillment. Viva Bene, as both a brand and a living space, is dedicated to helping active adults achieve their goals and lead enriched lives.

Viva Bene active adult residences represent a groundbreaking concept in this care type. By combining independent living with a proactive wellness approach, Viva Bene enables seniors to continue leading active lives while receiving essential healthcare services. The incorporation of a dedicated clinic within the community demonstrates a commitment to addressing the unique healthcare needs of older adults, empowering them to age with grace and confidence.

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